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Eviy Tzu-Han Chi X

Clockwork Noses


Curious? Take the test here.


The conversation project Self-awareness discusses the issue of ‘self-understanding’ and how the physical presence of the individual functions as a significant anchor to pronounce this presence in urban life. Conceptualized by Clockwork noses in collaboration with Eviy Tzu-Han Chi and HATCH Series, the project stipulates the format of online personality tests, where testers need to follow instruction given by the program to find out there personality. The duality of both satire and celebration of the genre aims to explore the psychological need to depend on a seemingly objective third-party to detail the inner perception of the world. Through a semi-authoritarian tone, a mixed feeling of redemption is given, a sense of belongingness secured, as one realizes his/her place in a social category.








舞台劇演出作品摘錄: 2012-2016動見体劇團《離家不遠》,2012明華園歌仔戲團《蓬萊大仙》,2012動見体劇團《與榮格密談》,2011屏風表演班《京戲啟示錄》傳承版,2011誠品春季舞台&台南人劇團《Re/Turn》,2011台北藝穗節《芭芭瑪劇團羅密歐與茱麗葉謀殺案》,2010台大戲劇系第九屆畢業公演《獵男俱樂部》,2010獨立製作《來散步吧》,2010獨立製作《寂靜手機》,2010讀演劇人《香格里拉》,2010台大學期製作《關鍵時光》,2010一直社《終局》;影像作品摘錄: 2015 微電影作品《低頭 Head Down》,2014 微電影作品《小壞壞 Are You Bad Enough?》,2012 偶像劇《流氓蛋糕店》客串。




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