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Eric Hang-Yu Liu 劉航煜


“My memories toward the cities have become blurred and vague, but the disorganized items collected in the carton boxes seems to be the only representation of the images long forgotten. These objects seem to fragment and distort my memories toward the past, confusing the reality and fabrication for what I actually experience... Did the things I thought happened really happened?” 


As the fellowship winner of the Cloud Gate Wanderer program, Eric Hang-Yu Liu’s journey of dance started in the age of 22. During his trip in Israel, the style of Gaga, rooted in individual comprehension rather than programmed movements, gave him a new lexicon as a self-learner without formal dance training.


As a child grew up in the countryside, urban life proves to be fast-paced, enriching, yet bewildering and empty. Since his late adolescence, Liu has moved to 4 countries over 14 times. Packing and sorting out his life in carton boxes become a routine business. To quickly blend into different cities, Liu was forced to confront a social survivalism to quickly acquire the language and behavioral norms in different cities. Memories of the previous place were banished into the back of the mind. As a creative worker of the body, his body seems to recall the incident of the past more than his memories serve. In HATCH Series TPE No. 1, Liu improvises to reconstruct his experience as an (unwilling) habitual nomad, where his life and senses toward reality are encapsulated in carton boxes as he moves from city to city.  


「對許多曾經短暫停留的城市回憶,早已模糊,而紙箱裡的物件,似乎可為我拼湊出早已忘卻的人事物,但這些物件卻雜亂無章,也使回溯的記憶顯得片面而不完整,甚至扭曲變形,讓我不知是真是假,有時更懷疑這一切是否發生? 我為了快速融入一個新地方,在某些城市學了ㄧ些當地使用的語言,離開後卻也漸漸淡忘,甚至完全消失,但舞蹈的學習,似乎又在身體上留下了些許痕跡。」




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