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Cheng-Sean Wang 汪正翔


“Ironically, all of my mulling over the subject of photography is based on this contradictory crack of the in-between. I started to believe this grey area is a part of myself… My photographic works, in terms of their subject matters, all deal with the local sceneries of Taiwan, struggling with a certain in-between status that bounces between cultures and aesthetic traditions.”


Cheng-Sean Wang’s work examines the conceptual definition of ‘landscape’ by actively photographing images that are disqualified as traditional sceneries: garbage trucks, a dilapidated alley way, abandoned kitchens. Through collaging scenery postcards on top of images of unconventional landscapes, Wang makes jabs and wrestles with the genre to question how human-mind construct a meaning for landscape and use this imagery to seek a sense of liberation, as an escape.


In HATCH Series TPE No. 1, Wang leads a debate to rethink the conceptualization of meaning: how a sensation can be constructed by a pre-existed genre of photography and how images are first picked up as signifiers then translated into various signs/meanings as it is transported from person to person.


Wang, a Taipei native, holds both a BA and MA in History from the National Taiwan University. He later received his MFA education in photography from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Sean actively engages with photography and criticism. Sandor Marai is his favorite writer, Yutaka Ozaki most beloved singer.




汪正翔,台灣台北人,台灣大學歷史所碩士,後至波士頓美術館藝術學校攻讀藝術創作(但不想念完)。目前往返碧潭與台北之間,接案維生,也從事攝影評論與創作。出版:2015《My Scenery Only for You 那些不美的台灣風景》,田園城市; 2015《非風景》,獨立出版;展覽:2015「My Scenery Only for You / 一個風景的私史」,水谷藝術空間,台北;2015「現象世界」,Nuki Space,台北,台灣; 2014「Satellite」,Khaki藝廊,波士頓,美國; 2012「SMFA年度聯展」,波士頓,美國。獲獎:2015大墩美展數位創作類優選、2015國家文化藝術基金會美術展覽補助、2013 Tivac 攝影新人奬入圍、2013 International Color Award 藝術類提名、2013 International Color Award 人像類提名、2012國家文化藝術基金會美術創作補助、2012倫敦攝影學院攝影比賽人像類得主、2011第九屆文建會文薈獎繪本佳作、2010第八屆文建會文薈獎散文佳作。

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