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Ahna Hughes



The beauty in weaving is that it is a purely tactile art form. Warping the loom, throwing the shuttle, beating the yarn - there is a sense of intimacy with the fiber that you have when you finish a piece. It requires so much work, you innately become attached to it as an art form. It's become my personal outlet and is the only way that I can be in control of my creativity. Tapestry is a form of weaving that is woven on a vertical loom that predetermines the size of your work. These three tapestries are inspired by yarn texture and the challenge of the interlocking wefts technique. Each piece required multiple ends of yarn to interlock shapes.Art, Craft and Design are all intertwined. I tend to focus on my craft and try not to be influenced by others or the work that surrounds me. I like to let the yarn speak for itself to create texture, shape and color.

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