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Laurel Atwell


Contemporary Dance developed a weak language. The definitions and understandings of words used throughout class, rehearsal, discussion, critique, and writing are creating a tyrannical hierarchy of what is considered talent in dance today.


I aim to build dances and collaborations that support the development of personal freedom. By actively rejecting the language and structures of dance, rehearsals become a time for individuals to create private languages and relationships to tasks as well as their bodies, alone or in relation. The attempt is to create an honest work of art, supporting and highlighting the humans involved emotionally, psychologically, and creatively.


"Near Real Time" is a solo dance piece that continues a movement practice that was built and developed with Aya Sato, Kirstan Clifford, and Gordon Landenberger since 2011: slowly breaking down Time & Space to build a physical and mental agility never thought possible. As a solo, I tap my memories, selves that never were, and potential future realities to create a unified soul in motion.

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